CBD to Enhance Your Sleep Quality: A Deep Sleep Guide

CBD to Enhance Your Sleep Quality: A Deep Sleep Guide

Do you constantly answer the question “How are you?” with “I’m tired”? If so, you aren’t alone – a large number of people fail to get the sleep they need on a daily basis.

It’s estimated that nearly one out of every three Americans is not getting enough sleep nightly. Additionally, up to 70 million Americans have chronic sleep disorders that prevent them from resting well.

Perhaps that’s why over 8% of Americans take sleeping medications either most days or every day to get to sleep – especially women. Some of the most popular over-the-counter medications include Benadryl and Unisom, but many people also opt for prescription medications such as Ativan, Valium, and Librium.

Of course, these drugs aren’t without their side effects. Many users have experienced symptoms such as lightheadedness, dizziness, forgetfulness, or even sleepwalking.

As a result, many people are turning to more natural aids to get better sleep. It’s already been reported that up to 5% of Americans were using CBD oils at night in 2021 – and we expect to see that number grow over the coming year.

So, what’s the big deal about CBD for sleep – and should you be using these products? Let’s talk about it.

What Are CBD Sleep Products?

CBD sleep products contain cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound that is extracted from the cannabis (hemp) plant. Over the years, CBD has been shown to have potential therapeutic benefits for many health problems – including sleep, anxiety, and pain.

You’ll find CBD sleep products in a range of forms, including oil tinctures, capsules, gummies, and even topical creams. Tinctures and gummies tend to be the most popular for sleep purposes and have gained tremendous popularity in the last few years.

The Role of CBD in High-Quality Sleep

Early research indicates CBD can possibly help with two aspects of sleep: quality and quantity. These sleep products start by helping users feel more at peace as the CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system.

The endocannabinoid system regulates much of the body’s functions, including mood, appetites, and of course, our sleep schedule. By taking products with hemp in them, users may be able to…

  • Minimize pain that keeps them awake
  • Decrease achiness and inflammation
  • Increase serotonin and dopamine levels to feel less stressed
  • Embrace a more relaxed, restful state of mind

Research on CBD and sleep is still in its early stages. However, it’s worth noting that up to 58% of the CBD users Forbes surveyed use CBD to improve sleep quality. Another 60% use it to relieve pain, and up to 62% use it to reduce stress levels and relax.

How to Use CBD for Better Sleep

How many milligrams of CBD should I take for better sleep?

Ideal CBD dosage for sleep can vary on many factors – body weight, tolerance, form, and concentration, for starters. Generally, beginners should start with a low dose of CBD (no more than 20 mg). Then, they can gradually increase their dosage while monitoring the product’s effects.

There is no universal dosage that works for everyone. You will likely need to start slow and take notice of your body’s reactions until you find the right amount for your needs.

What CBD products can help with sleep?

Several types of CBD products can potentially help with sleep. As mentioned, there are tinctures that can be applied sublingually, capsules that can be swallowed, and CBD gummies that can be eaten. If you are struggling with pain, you may also want to look into CBD topicals that you can apply directly to the affected area.

How quickly will I feel the effects of CBD at night?

The time it takes to feel the effects of CBD at night can vary depending on the method of administration, dosage, individual tolerance, and concentration. Typically, the fastest way to feel the effects is to use a CBD tincture for sleep You’ll likely feel a sublingual drop of CBD in under 45 minutes.

If you choose to use CBD softgels or gummies for sleep or a capsule, it will take a bit longer for the CBD to kick in – likely between 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on your metabolism and size.

When should I take CBD for sleep?

The answer depends. If you are using a tincture, take your CBD product about 30 minutes before going to bed. This gives the CBD ample time to take effect before you fall asleep. However, if you are using a capsule or edible, you’ll need to take it at least a full hour before attempting to nod off.

Distinguishing a Great CBD Sleep Product From a Bad One

As you begin looking at and assessing different CBD sleep products, keep in mind that not all are created equally. The quality of a CBD product can vary dramatically depending on…

  • Where the hemp was sourced
  • How the CBD was extracted
  • Whether or not the CBD was third-party tested

It is recommended that users always look for CBD products that have been evaluated by an independent third-party laboratory. This helps verify the CBD’s potency and purity.

Furthermore, make sure you fully read the CBD product’s labeling and packaging. Note its dosage, concentration, and entire list of ingredients. Many subpar CBD products for sleep will actually contain low dosages of CBD and higher percentages of other unwanted ingredients, such as thickeners or artificial coloring.

Remember: you want to find real CBD sleep supplements, not “hemp oil” or “hemp extract.” True CBD oils are derived from hemp, but these phrases refer to hempseed oil, which will not have the same desired effects.

Struggling to Get Shut-Eye? Learn More About CBD for Sleep.

Poor sleep quality (or too little) can affect nearly every aspect of your life. The good news is that no one needs to resign themselves to endless tossing and turning. There are natural supplements out there to help manage contributors to poor sleep, especially ongoing stress or pain.

At Just a Little Herb, we want to offer you the best CBD for better sleep. There are hundreds of hemp products on store shelves today, but we’re not interested in offering just any CBD products. Instead, we’re offering high-quality, organic products you can really trust.

Explore our CBD sleep products, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send us a message.

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