what is nano cbd

What is Nano CBD? How It Works and What It Does?

Cannabidiol (CBD) products have taken the world by storm. Almost everyone knows a friend or family member who is using it – if you’re not already using it yourself.

There is a wide range of purported CBD benefits, from mental wellness effects to physical forms of relief. According to a survey in 2022, up to 60% of U.S. adult users have turned to CBD for help with pain management, while another 58% use it in an attempt to improve sleep quality.

Whatever you’re using CBD to help with, you want it to work quickly – and that’s a big push in the world of cannabidiol research and development.

As the industry has evolved, you’ve likely started to hear about something called “nano CBD.” This kind of CBD claims to have enhanced bioavailability and fast-acting effects, but what is it really? And can you trust it?

That’s what we’re talking about today on the Just a Little Herb blog. Together, we’ll dive into…

  • What nano CBD is
  • How it works
  • What it can offer

Then, if you decide nano CBD might be the right choice for you, we invite you to browse the Just a Little Herb product line.

What is Nano CBD?

Before we explore nanotechnology CBD, let’s make sure you have a firm understanding of traditional CBD products.

Cannabidiol is one of the 150 cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. When extracted from the hemp plant, CBD oil can be used for potential therapeutic benefits. CBD alone contains no THC, which means it will not produce a “high” effect.

As the use of CBD has exploded across the nation, people are looking for better, more effective ways to reap its benefits. That’s where nanotechnology comes into the picture.

Nanotechnology refers to the manipulation of things at molecular levels, AKA the tiniest possible size. When used on CBD, it emulsifies the oil to enhance the absorption of micro CBD particles into the body’s cells.

This might sound like some high-level science stuff, but all you really need to understand is that nano CBD particles are much smaller than those of traditional CBD products, meaning they have a much higher absorption rate in the human body.

The Science Behind Nano CBD: How Nano CBD Works

We get it – “nanotechnology” sounds like a term that should be reserved for labeling robotic innovations or medical research. It’s strange to think that it now plays a role in how many people receive and experience the benefits of CBD.

However, nanotechnology isn’t necessarily as modern as it's made out to be. There are historical documents that record the use of nanoparticles as far back as ninth-century Mesopotamia. So, don’t let the science-heavy language scare you.

Nano CBD (or nano-encapsulated CBD) is simply emulsified and reduced to a tiny size (typically between 1 and 100 nanometers). This allows for an increased surface area, which in turn promotes faster CBD absorption into the bloodstream.

This highly targeted form of CBD delivery, coupled with the improved permeability of nano CBD particles, may also allow for better interactions with particular tissues or cells.

In fact, nanotechnology is being applied across the delivery of many drugs outside the field of CBD. Namely, it’s assisting with the production of drugs that are poorly soluble and need to become more absorbable to the human body.

Ultimately, whether you decide to use traditional CBD products or nano-emulsified CBD, the cannabidiol will interact with your body’s endocannabinoid system in much the same way. The biggest difference is that nanotechnology makes CBD more absorbable and quicker to enter your system.

Potential Benefits of Nano CBD

Admittedly, the field of nano CBD is relatively new. We need more research to fully understand its benefits, but we do have preliminary findings and self-reports that indicate a “plethora of therapeutic opportunities.”

Some of the most widely discussed possible benefits of nano CBD include…

Faster Effects

As we already mentioned, nano CBD boasts improved bioavailability. Due to its particles’ small size, it can be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream. This faster absorption may result in a quicker effects compared to traditional CBD products, which are broken down and absorbed more slowly.

When consumed orally, such as in the form of a nano CBD oil tincture, it can be absorbed directly through the tissues of the mouth. This can result in a rapid onset of effects, typically in less than half an hour.

Improved Stability

Nano CBD formulations often use liposomes or micelles to encapsulate the CBD particles. This is a fancy way of saying that they may be more stable and protected from degradation, which means nano CBD products may be able to better maintain potency and effectiveness over time.

Lower Doses Required

Some proponents suggest that nano CBD may be more potent than traditional CBD products. In other words, you might be able to get the same effect (or a stronger one) using nano CBD as you would using a higher dose of traditional CBD.

Note: these potential benefits are impressive, but scientific research on nano CBD is still limited. The extent of these advantages is not yet fully understood.

Additionally, individual responses to CBD can vary. What works for one person may not work the same way for another. That’s why it’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new CBD product, including nano CBD.

Frequently Asked Questions About Nano CBD

Is nano CBD safe to use?

Nano CBD is generally considered safe. However, there are a few factors to keep in mind, such as the lack of CBD industry regulations.

To ensure your nano CBD products are high-quality and safe, only shop with reputable sellers that offer third-party testing verification. This is the best way to ensure you are getting a pure, reliable CBD product.

Additionally, keep in mind that any form of CBD can interact with certain medications. If you are taking any medications regularly, consult with your healthcare provider before using CBD to ensure there are no potential interactions.

How is nano CBD different from other CBD products?

Nano CBD differs from other CBD products primarily in terms of particle size and potential bioavailability. Its particles have been broken down into nanoscale sizes, typically ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers. In contrast, other CBD products contain larger CBD particles, typically in the micrometer range.

Due to their small size and improved absorption, nano CBD may have a faster onset of effects compared to other CBD products. The smaller particles can be absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream, potentially resulting in more rapid effects.

How long does it take for nano CBD to take effect?

The onset of effects from nano CBD can vary depending on many factors, including…

  • The individual's metabolism
  • The specific product formulation
  • The method of administration

When taken orally, such as in the form of a sublingual tincture or a CBD-infused beverage, nano CBD can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the tissues in the mouth, bypassing the digestive system. This can result in a more rapid onset of effects, typically within 15-30 minutes.

Of course, your unique body chemistry, health conditions, and size will influence how long it takes for the nano CBD to take effect.

To determine the specific onset of effects for a particular nano CBD product, follow the manufacturer's instructions and consult any accompanying product information. We also recommend starting with a low dose and gradually increasing if necessary, allowing time to assess your body’s response and the effects of the product.

Are there any side effects associated with nano CBD?

The potential side effects of nano CBD are expected to be similar to those associated with traditional CBD products. These could include…

  • Dry mouth and low saliva production
  • Diarrhea or digestive issues
  • Fatigue or drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Changes in mood
  • Low blood pressure
  • Nausea

If any concerning symptoms arise after using nano CBD, discontinue use and seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Interested in Trying Nano CBD for Yourself?

Nano CBD represents an innovative approach to CBD delivery, utilizing nanotechnology to enhance the bioavailability, absorption, and potential therapeutic effects. Although this new kind of CBD administration is still in its early stages, it is quickly becoming accepted by reputable CBD manufacturers and sellers globally.

Shop Just a Little Herb CBD Products

At Just a Little Herb, our ultimate goal is to always help you feel your best. Our CBD softgels are specifically designed to help you find ways to manage your discomfort, relax, and sleep well.

As such, we’ve been excited by the revolution of nano CBD. This innovation allows us to connect users with fast-acting cannabidiol products in an attempt to provide much-needed relief from both physical and mental ailments.

If you’re ready to try nano CBD, check out our full list of products. Order today and you’ll get 25% off your first order!

For more information, or for further questions about nano CBD, please contact us online.

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